Monday, August 2, 2010

Time to Start

Well even though I have had this blog for a while now it has never been important enough to share anything with the general population, but now that I have submitted my manuscript of my first novel the publisher suggested I start a blog. Well here it is.
My novel has been many years in the fermenting and because it is an historic there was a lot of research to be done before pen was put to paper. The original was hand written in note form then written in more of a narrative form later and then copy typed and then rewritten on the computer.
I don't know if this is the best way to write but it works for me and the way I think.
The novel, Following the Emperor's Footsteps, is about Gabriel St Jean a young Breton farmboy who runs away to join the army of Napoleon as he prepares for the invasion of Britain. The invasion was postponed and the army marches east to fight with the armies of Austria and Russia at Austerlitz. In the march and the battles fought the young boy becomes a man and a soldier.

1 comment:

  1. Getting near the end of writing Volume II. Not as long as the first one. Is that usual? It will probably be 20000 words shorter. Not a problem I hope.
